Test automation and QA
The high quality of our solutions is laid directly from the start of each of the projects. Work planning using agile techniques
allows you to evaluate tasks as accurately and as realistically as possible. Each change in the functionality of the project undergoes independent integration testing, so we ensure full compatibility of all developed components. Load testing allows you to evaluate the stability of the system in various operating modes. Our testing specialists use both generally recognized approaches and tools, as well as their own developments in the field of QA. 

To maintain a high temp of development and at the same time maintain excellent quality, we use test automation. Regression automatic tests cover all the developed functionality, and their quick execution allows you to track code regressions immediately after building the product on the build server.
We know the price of time, therefore we use all levels of testing automation: unit tests for instant checks of individual components, integration tests for checks of inter-component interactions, as well as End-to-End tests to ensure that the product being developed fully meets user requirements. This approach eliminates flaws at each stage of development, build a fault-tolerant solution, save time, as well as future costs of technical support and operation.
For example, such a complex product as DBO in Megafon Bank, is passed more than 3,500 tests in just 35 minutes. In manual mode, even without taking into account the human factor and with a small number of bugs, it would take about 2 weeks.
Andrey Glazkov, Head of Quality Control
Failure safety
Each component of the future product undergoes a full cycle of all kinds of tests to ensure smooth operation.
Testing is in automatic mode, what not only saves time, but eliminates the risks associated with the human factor.
A finished software product that has undergone quality testing saves resources in the process of combat operation.
Contact us — we are happy to answer.